Positive Psychology

A different kind of happy

Do you wonder how positive psychology and coaching psychology are different in the Middle East? In this webinar, hosted by SIETAR Europa, Dr Louise Lambert ...

Fit for PERMA purpose

Back in July - it seems like ages ago! - I wrote about how we can maintain our wellbeing and happiness by tapping into our ...

Positive Psychology Coaching, part 3: Life is not all roses

In our previous posts we looked at coaching and psychology, now it is time for the third word: positive. Let's find out what the positive ...

Positive Psychology Coaching, part 2: Will you analyse me?

In our previous post we looked at coaching and what modern coaches do. In this second part, we look at the "psychology" part of positive ...
What is coaching? The coaching process explained

Positive psychology coaching: More than just three words

When I say that I’m a Positive Psychology Coach, it is interesting to observe which of these three words people pick up. Sometimes it’s the ...

The whooshing noise of New Year’s resolutions

I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by. Douglas Adams New Year's resolutions are a bit like deadlines: Before ...

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